How Long Can JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® Last Compared to Other Lip Fillers?
In today's world, convenience is among our highest priorities — including when it comes to your cosmetic treatments. If you're like many men and women, you may be tired of the constant upkeep of certain aesthetic treatments and procedures, like lip fillers and wrinkle relaxers, which can have you scheduling appointments several times a year. At Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe and our team of Dallas, TX cosmetic injectors understand the importance of convenience and long-lasting results, and we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of filler options that allows you to enjoy a younger, smoother look for longer. For lip filler specifically, JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA is a popular choice that can last up to twice or even three times as long as many other fillers on the market. Keep reading to learn more about how long JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA lip injections may help keep your pout looking plump and juicy.
Where do I start with lip fillers?
Whether you've never tried lip fillers or have been using fillers for a while but are in search of a longer-lasting and more natural-looking option, our team is here to help. For many men and women, JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA is an ideal lip filler, particularly thanks to its notable longevity compared with some other products. Like any aesthetic procedure, the first step in choosing a lip filler is to schedule a consultation with a certified and experienced cosmetic injector. During your lip injection consultation at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, one of our injectors will discuss your concerns and goals, assess the volume, shape, symmetry, and other characteristics of your lips, and determine whether you may be a good candidate for JUVÉDERM lip fillers.
Does VOLBELLA last longer than other fillers in the lips?
On average, many other lip filler products last for about 6 – 12 months before a repeat round of injections is needed. Generally speaking, fillers often break down faster in the lips compared to other areas of the face due to the frequent use of the lips, mouth, and nearby muscles and tissues with facial expressions and other activities — like talking, chewing, and more. However, JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA is specially formulated to hold up to the higher demands of the lips and mouth area and can last for up to 18 months between injections.
How can I make my lip fillers last longer?
Unfortunately, there is no way to extend the life of lip fillers, but there are some things you can do to encourage the most optimal results possible and potentially slow filler breakdown, including:
- Do not smoke
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet
- Stay hydrated
- Do not drink through straws
- Avoid undue pressure, stretching, touching, and pulling on the lips
In many cases, patients find that their lip plumping with VOLBELLA actually begins to last longer after multiple rounds of treatment.
Get the sexy lips you've always been jealous of with JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA lip fillers in Dallas, TX
Do you find yourself envying the full lips and sexy pout of your favorite influencer or celebrity but don't want to commit to multiple injections each year? If so, you may be excited to learn more about the long-lasting lip augmentation results that are possible with JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA. Take the first step toward perfectly kissable lips that last by calling Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to schedule your private consultation with one of our aesthetic injectors — under the direction of Dallas, TX board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe — today.