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How Much Time to Wait Until You Can Exercise After a Tummy Tuck?

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Also referred to as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is often performed as part of an overall mommy makeover to help women regain their post-pregnancy figures. But when can you begin working out after tummy tuck surgery, and what does the recovery timeline look like? At Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, we can review the operation in detail beforehand and teach you some of the basics of the procedure. We can also help you understand what your body is going through throughout the recovery process.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe performs abdominoplasty surgery on adults of all ages who want a slimmer and more contoured body. This transformative operation works by tightening the muscles and eliminating loose skin and fatty areas that may not go away with a traditional diet and exercise program. Learn more about exercise after tummy tuck muscle repair by reaching out to our clinic and scheduling an appointment in Dallas, TX.

About diastasis recti and muscle repair

It’s no secret that pregnancy changes the body in more ways than one. One post-pregnancy effect is diastasis recti, or the separation of the abdominal muscles. This condition can lead to unwanted problems such as a protruding belly and hanging skin. Despite the fact that diastasis recti is common after childbirth, many patients seek help to correct their bulging belly. A tummy tuck is specially designed to tighten the abdominal wall to close this separation and restore a firmer abdominal shape. Dr. Dauwe is especially skilled at assisting women with diastasis recti at his facility in Dallas.

What type of tummy tuck surgery do I need?

During your tummy tuck consultation, Dr. Dauwe will assess the area and learn about your goals for surgery. While some fat can be removed, a tummy tuck is not necessarily a weight-loss procedure. It is primarily used to remove excess skin and repair separated abdominal muscles. In order to meet your requirements, we can help you choose between different types of tummy tuck surgery. Full, extended, and mini tucks are all offered at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery and are chosen based on the incision and degree of correction required.

Tummy tuck recovery time

On the first day after surgery, patients are monitored before being released to a responsible adult or another family member. Dr. Dauwe offers post-operative instructions so patients can rest at home. This includes information about incision care, how to reduce swelling, and working out after tummy tuck surgery. Although standing or walking around on your own can be difficult at first, it becomes easier with each passing day. You should be able to return to work by the end of the second week as long as your job is not too demanding. By the end of your tummy tuck recovery time, you will notice a flatter abdomen that is proportionate with your body type.

Exercise after tummy tuck muscle repair

Many of our patients in Dallas ask questions about when they can safely exercise after tummy tuck muscle repair surgery. While we encourage tummy tuck patients to walk the day after their procedure, it is important to allow your body enough time to rest and heal properly. Beginning with strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects risks injury to the surgical sites, leading to discomfort and a longer tummy tuck recovery time.

If you follow the guidelines provided by Dr. Dauwe, and there were no complications during the healing process, there’s no reason why patients shouldn’t return to light exercise at 4 – 6 weeks. Working out after tummy tuck surgery, however, is based on your individual health and the type of tummy tuck you receive. Everybody responds differently to surgery, so when you attend your follow-up appointments, Dr. Dauwe will be able to clear you for certain exercises.

Learn more about tummy tuck recovery time

Working with a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon makes all the difference in getting the tummy tuck results you want. Dr. Phillip Dauwe works hard to make the most of your surgery and give you a gorgeous outcome. The team at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery is proud to offer information and resources about working out after tummy tuck surgery, so you are fully prepared to face the procedure. We invite you to learn more about exercise after tummy tuck surgery by reaching out to our office for a consultation in Dallas, TX.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.