What Does the FDA Say About Breast Implant Illness (BII)?
Breast implants are medical-grade devices placed under the breast tissue for the purpose of enhancing a silhouette. But what are the risks associated with getting breast implants? This is just one of the questions individuals have when considering breast surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe is experienced in implementing these implants and performs countless breast augmentation procedures each year.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved breast implants for the purpose of breast augmentation, reconstruction, and revision. This means that these devices can also be used in patients after mastectomy or lumpectomy, or to correct the results of previous breast surgery. The FDA has specifically approved saline-filled and silicone gel-filled implants in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures.
In their research, patients may have come across a phenomenon called Breast Implant Illness (BII). The term refers to a series of symptoms women report after having breast surgery. At your consultation at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, Dr. Dauwe will inform you about your breast implant options and address your concerns related to BII. Learn more by reading the following information and scheduling an appointment in Dallas, TX.
About Getting Breast Implants
Breast implants are selected based on a number of factors, including a patient’s frame and aesthetic goals. Each implant size and profile is considered in order to achieve the desired result. While bra cup sizes are measured in sizes A, B, C and up, implants are measured in cubic centimeters or ccs. Your body frame, including your native breast tissue, will factor into the ideal implant to create the right fullness and an even proportion. During your consultation, Dr. Dauwe will take the time to:
Provide information on saline and silicone implants, including data supporting their effectiveness and safety.
Explain the risks of implants and surgical procedures used to implant them.
Provide information about Breast Implant Illness and its associated symptoms.
Schedule any follow-up appointments as necessary to assess the health and appearance of the breast implants.
The FDA and Breast Implant Illness (BII)
Researchers and professional medical organizations closely monitor the existence of Breast Implant Illness in patients. Currently, there is not enough scientific evidence to support that silicone or saline implants lead to long-term health complications. However, patients should call the office of Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery if they are concerned about the state of their breast implants. Our caring staff can review your case and make recommendations. In some cases, breast implant removal without replacement is one way to reverse the symptoms of Breast Implant Illness.
Fatigue and memory loss are commonly reported in relation to BII, along with a feeling of “brain fog” that causes individuals to lack focus. Others experience depression or anxiety, joint pain, hair loss, and other sometimes vague or unrelated signs that prevent people from living their day to day lives. The FDA encourages patients to report any adverse symptoms they may experience following their breast augmentation surgery. Information such as the device and manufacturer's name, as well as the symptoms experienced, are helpful in their continued research of BII.
Medical Breast Reduction Surgery
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), breast implants are not lifelong devices. Patients should look to have implants exchanged or removed about every 10 – 15 years if no issues have come up during that time. This decision is usually based on the health of the individual patient and their personal desires. Should you decide to remove your implants to relieve BII symptoms, Dr. Dauwe offers medical breast reduction or breast revision surgery in Dallas, TX. We may perform a breast lift at the same time to tighten the surrounding tissue to provide more support to the area. In your surgical consultation with Dr. Dauwe, we will address your concerns and goals about breast implant removal.
Monitoring Your Breast Implants Is Important
To catch issues such as breast implant rupture, the FDA recommends having silicone implants screened through an MRI three years after augmentation surgery, and then every two years after. Also, regardless of what type of implants you have, it is important to schedule mammograms as recommended by Dr. Dauwe. If you experience one of the signs as listed above, breast discomfort or swelling, a change in breast shape, or one of the breasts feels too firm, visit Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery for a medical assessment. Our staff is here to help you find the right solution, whether you have difficulties with Breast Implant Illness or not. The earlier you detect and address an issue, the easier it will be to treat.
Learn More About Breast Implant Illness
Getting breast implants is a wonderful way for patients to take control of their bodies and lives while creating gorgeous results. We understand that concerns such as Breast Implant Illness may give you cause for concern, which is why Dr. Dauwe seeks to educate individuals about BII and medical breast reduction to help them feel more comfortable with their procedures. Reach out to Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX to schedule your appointment and learn more.