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Should You Have a Breast Lift After Weight Loss?

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Losing weight is a fantastic accomplishment that can bring about many positive changes in your body. You may feel healthier, more energetic, and fit into clothes better than before. However, you may also experience unexpected volume loss and sagging around the breasts. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe can recommend breast lift surgery if this is the case. This procedure helps restore the shape and firmness of the breasts so you can enjoy your weight loss transformation.

Call Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to book a consultation if you are considering this cutting-edge plastic surgery in Dallas, TX. Our experts can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results.

What happens to the breasts after weight loss

Breasts are made up of fatty tissue and ligaments. When you lose a significant amount of weight, especially if it happens quickly, the fatty tissue decreases, causing the breasts to appear deflated or saggy. The ligaments that support the breasts may also stretch out. This can result in a loss of perkiness and overall shape.

Additionally, weight loss can change the position of your nipples. As the breasts become smaller, the nipples may appear lower on the breast or even point in a different direction. These changes can be frustrating and impact your body confidence, especially after accomplishing your weight loss goals.

No amount of exercise or diet can restore the volume and firmness of your breasts after weight loss. This is where breast lift surgery can make all the difference.

What to expect from breast lift surgery

During a breast lift, Dr. Phillip Dauwe will remove excess skin and tissue, reposition the nipples, and reshape the breasts for a more youthful look. The procedure usually takes several hours and is done under general anesthesia.

After surgery, you may have some discomfort and swelling, but this is easily managed with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Dauwe. You will also need to wear a compression bra for a few weeks to support the breasts as they heal.

It's important to note that a breast lift will not change your breast size, so if you desire larger breasts, Dr. Dauwe may recommend combining this plastic surgery in Dallas, TX, with a breast augmentation. Medical-grade implants can be inserted to add volume and improve overall shape.

Who should get a breast lift?

A breast lift can be suitable for almost anyone who has lost weight and has seen changes in their breast tissue. Candidates should have realistic expectations and be in good health before undergoing this procedure.

However, if you plan on losing more weight or becoming pregnant in the future, it may be best to postpone your breast lift until after these life events. Future weight fluctuations or pregnancy can impact your results.

A consultation with Dr. Dauwe is one of the best ways to determine if you are a good candidate for a breast lift. Our team can assess your medical history and volume loss before creating a personalized treatment plan.

Enhance your breasts after weight loss

When it comes to body confidence, every detail matters. If you are unhappy with your breasts after weight loss, consider breast lift surgery with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe. Call Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery to book a consultation and take a step toward feeling confident and beautiful with plastic surgery in Dallas, TX. Let us help you put the finishing touches on your weight loss journey.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.