Where Does the Fluid Go In a Drainless Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tucks are growing in popularity among patients who desire a firm, flat abdomen. This safe and effective procedure reshapes the midsection by removing excess skin and fat, resulting in a dramatically more attractive appearance. At Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, we offer individuals the chance to receive a drainless tummy tuck to make their recovery time seamless.
So, what is a drainless tummy tuck, and where does the extra fluid go after surgery? This tummy tuck uses a special suturing technique that eliminates the need for drains. Dr. Phillip Dauwe is a board-certified plastic surgeon who hopes to educate patients about treatment. Learn about excessive drainage after tummy tuck surgery by reading below or scheduling an appointment in Dallas, TX.
What is a drainless tummy tuck?
So, what is a drainless tummy tuck? All tummy tucks are designed to correct loose abdominal skin and restore separated abdominal muscles. During surgery, an incision is made across the lower part of the abdomen. When the procedure is complete, tubes are usually placed through the skin to allow fluid in the abdomen to drain.
The drains are designed to prevent an accumulation of fluid in the newly tightened area. In a drainless tummy tuck, however, Dr. Dauwe uses many layers of sutures to sew the skin together. This closes the space and leaves no room for excess fluid to accumulate. Patients will not need to monitor any drains after tummy tuck surgery.
The benefits of a drainless tummy tuck
Patients without tummy tuck drains usually report less pain and an easier recovery period compared to others. This is because the drains need to be maintained and cleaned regularly. Individuals who get this procedure can also sleep in comfort, since drains after tummy tuck surgery tend to pull and tug at the skin. Not only do the surgical sites heal more quickly, but there is also less pain and inflammation involved.
Will this surgery work for me?
Candidates for tummy tuck surgery have excess fat and loose skin in the abdominal area due to pregnancy or recent weight loss. Dr. Dauwe works with patients in Dallas, TX to determine their goals for this procedure. Most women are interested in having a slimmer, contoured appearance but may not have the time to devote to an extensive recovery period. If this is the case, a drainless tummy tuck might be perfect for you.
What about cost?
The administrative staff at Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery can give you information about the cost of a drainless tummy tuck. This estimate is based on the techniques we perform during surgery. Keep in mind that factors such as anesthesia and hospital fees may also affect the cost. We can provide a number of easy financing options to make your procedure more affordable. Just let us know if you would like to discuss the cost of a drainless tummy tuck.
Schedule a drainless tummy tuck
If your confidence has been compromised by loose skin and abdominal fat that does not respond to exercise, now may be the time for a drainless tummy tuck. The most important decision is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience. Dr. Phillip Dauwe is proud to have worked with countless patients who are satisfied with their end results. To learn how drains after tummy tuck surgery work, contact Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX. We have the ability to help you achieve the body contours you want.