How Soon Can You Have Sex After a Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tuck surgery involves removing excess skin and pockets of fat around the midsection, usually due to pregnancy or recent weight loss. This procedure offers dramatic results when traditional diet and exercise are not enough to address this issue. While tummy tuck recovery is a generally safe process, it is important to visit a board-certified plastic surgeon who can address your concerns in Dallas, TX.
At Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery, our team can review some of the most overlooked details about tummy tuck recovery. For example, when can I have sex after tummy tuck surgery? Although sex is physically possible, it is not advised until patients have healed completely. Learn more by reading below or meeting with Dr. Phillip Dauwe for a private plastic surgery consultation.
What happens after your tummy tuck procedure
While tummy tuck surgery is personalized for each patient, Dr. Dauwe generally removes extra skin and fat while tightening weakened muscles. Once the operation is complete, patients stay in our overnight facility so we can monitor their health. Our team will then send you home with a compression garment to control painful side effects, like swelling. Walking or standing upright may be challenging for the first several days in Dallas, TX.
Since tummy tucks are considered invasive, patients may experience side effects, like abdominal swelling and inflammation. Most surgeons recommend resting for several days at home in a comfortable bed. During this time, it is important to get plenty of sleep and walk around to promote healthy blood circulation. However, do not place any unnecessary pressure on your abdomen. Pushing yourself too hard or lifting heavy objects can strain the incision site and extend your tummy tuck recovery.
When can I have sex after tummy tuck surgery?
Since no two tummy tuck patients are the same, we can give you a more specific recovery timeline during a follow-up appointment. Keep in mind that the extent of your procedure plays a role in how you recover. Patients who get a mini tummy tuck procedure, for instance, require less time healing than an extended tuck. Regardless, most people will have to manage tummy tuck drains, compression garments, and external sutures.
Because of the above circumstances, we ask you to refrain from strenuous activities for 3 – 6 weeks or until you are given permission by Dr. Dauwe. Most of your tummy tuck side effects should subside by the time you are ready to exercise or have sex. We also advise waiting until the incisions have healed and the drain is removed. You should only resume sex after tummy tuck surgery when you feel your body is capable of handling the strain.
Schedule a tummy tuck in Dallas
Stretched-out abdominal skin and small fat pockets can negatively affect your confidence. A tummy tuck procedure is a wonderful way to improve your body contours and self-esteem. As a leading board-certified plastic surgeon in Dallas, TX, Dr. Phillip Dauwe welcomes all inquires from our patients. If you are curious about when it is the right time to resume sexual activity after surgery, we encourage you to call Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery for a consultation. We can address every important issue with you in detail.