Make Radiant Skin a Reality With Photofacial Treatment
Photofacials are a revolutionary way to help reverse signs of aging and make your skin appear more radiant. The process involves using intense pulsed light (IPL) that penetrates deep into the dermal layers, targeting areas that have become damaged or pigmented due to age, sun exposure, and other environmental factors.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe knows firsthand the power of an IPL photofacial in Dallas, TX. Learn about this noninvasive form of skin rejuvenation by calling Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery for an appointment – our team is ready to help you achieve a healthier complexion that looks and feels brilliant.
What triggers skin damage?
While many factors lead to skin damage, sun exposure is one of the most common. UV rays accelerate aging and damage the cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin – two elements essential for maintaining youthful-looking skin. This process strips away moisture and causes fine lines, discoloration, broken capillaries, and other common skin issues.
People sometimes use exfoliants in an attempt to repair the damage, but these methods cause more harm than good. Photofacials are one of the most reliable ways to restore your skin, as the technology penetrates deep into the dermal layers where creams and serums can’t reach.
What is the process behind a photofacial treatment?
During an IPL photofacial, Dr. Dauwe uses a special device that emits light energy to target dead or damaged cells. This process encourages cell turnover and allows your body to replenish collagen and elastin. Because photofacials rely on your body’s own healing processes, results are natural-looking and long-lasting.
What happens during a photofacial appointment?
Dr. Dauwe consults with each patient about their goals and desired outcomes before beginning a photofacial in Dallas, TX. We discuss the potential risks associated with skin rejuvenation, then recommend a treatment plan based on your needs. During a photofacial session, you may feel a slight stinging or warmth – this is normal and should dissipate as the session progresses.
What are the benefits of a photofacial?
A photofacial is a safe and effective way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, fade age spots, diminish broken capillaries, and give your skin an overall brighter appearance. Our patients report seeing results 1 – 2 weeks after their first appointment and love their outcomes. Dr. Dauwe offers monthly maintenance sessions or touch-ups as needed to keep your skin glowing for as long as possible.
Additional benefits of an IPL photofacial include:
- Quick treatment sessions
- Noninvasive procedure with minimal downtime
- Suitable for all skin types and tones
- Low risk of complications or side effects
What areas are treated with a photofacial?
Photofacials can improve almost any area of your skin and are particularly effective in places that have been exposed to UV rays, including the face, neck, hands, chest, shoulders, and back. Dr. Dauwe knows how to spot-treat individual blemishes or large areas with the utmost precision and accuracy. All sessions are personalized according to your skin type, age, and desired results.
Radiant, rejuvenated skin
Wrinkles, age spots, and broken capillaries are all common issues that can be reversed with an IPL photofacial in Dallas, TX. Learn more about this impressive skin rejuvenation solution or book a consultation by calling Phillip Dauwe, M.D. Plastic Surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Dauwe can help you on your journey to virtually flawless, healthier skin that appears radiant.